

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, culture and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Un dia en Buenos Aires

Un dia en Buenos Aires

Exploring The Paris of South America within a day, is budget friendly and easily accessible to most.
Buenos Aires is perfect for those like myself, who love to drink wine and gazed down a cobblestone street.
Our first stop was to Plaza De Mayo where the Capital building of Casa Rosada is located.

The “pink house,” is the official presidential office in Argentina.
Former First Lady and Activists Eva Peron is largely remembered for her role in helping women win the right to vote, held an office here.

Land of Empanadas and Wine

We stop by a really cool town that is know for it’s colorful buildings and cultural art installations.
Enjoyed these light and flaky queso y jamon empanadas and washed it down with some Malbec wine.

Feels goood to be lost in Buenos Aires!

These homes are said to be so colorful because the paint helped with erosion.

After all that exploring we finished the day with more wine and food!
In total, 50 USD was spent for the day.
The city is safe to maneuver and doesn’t require a guide if you don’t feel it is vital.

Came for the views and empanadas, left with both!

How Travel Has Healed Me!

How Travel Has Healed Me!

“Becoming” The Daisha Board Gallery of Dallas.

“Becoming” The Daisha Board Gallery of Dallas.