

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, culture and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Solo in Sofia

Solo in Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria is a country I have been able to familiarize myself with due to how often I travel here.
I always tell myself I haven’t fully been to a new destination unless I’ve walked the streets and explored their culture.
Here in Sofia, venturing out and indulging in the lives of the locals is relatively easy.


Vitosha Boulevard

Vitosha boulevard is the heart of this city, with many restaurants, store fronts and local businesses all in one location.
As an African American traveler, I feel comfortable having Sofia all to myself!


Perfect fall weather!

It amazes me how often you can walk an entire city in Europe and still find new adventures.
This city has cab services, scooters and public transportation relatively accessible.
I am able to visit my favorite juice bar, shop at H&M and pick up a slice of pizza from a local bakery.

My walk around the city wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t visit the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

I love the architecture of this entire building along with the colors.
I think the autumn leaves makes the building look even more spectacular.


Saint Alexander of Neva

After hitting the cities capital I decided to call it a day and head back to my hotel.
Spending hours alone and venturing out is therapeutic in its own way.
Being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely! It also means you don’t have to share your wine!

Hello, Detroit!

Hello, Detroit!

D.C For The Day

D.C For The Day