

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, culture and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Old Town, Albuquerque

Old Town, Albuquerque

New destinations excite me possibly more than those on my Bucket List.
Albuquerque, New Mexico is a first for me this year and of course I did my research.

New places with New experiences

Old Town, is a melting pot of indigenous tribes and native Hispanics.
This town takes pride in preserving their culture through food, music and local businesses.

I love shopping locally and supporting small businesses when I travel.
Old Town has local shops and eateries tailored to accommodate everyone.
I stop by Lillie’s Handmade Soap shop and purchased some goodies for myself and others.

More than just and old town, this place is home to the largest balloon festival taking place the first week of October every year.
This town may not have been on my list but is now scratch off.

This is what the beauty of travel does for me. The most unexpected trips are usually the best!
Old Town, now has a special place in my heart.
Thank you!

The Gate to this Bridge is Golden

The Gate to this Bridge is Golden

Bazaar Shopping Anyone?

Bazaar Shopping Anyone?