

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, culture and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Travelling The World During Covid-19

Travelling The World During Covid-19

The aviation industry is just one of many that have been effected by the virus. I happened to be flying out of Canada when countries around the world began closing their borders and enforcing mandatory 14 day self-quarantine. As a Flight Attendant i worked just about everyday, watching the world panic with fear and wanting more answers.

As borders closed, passenger counts began to shrink and i watched many of my colleagues become afraid to fly. Fortunately, i was blessed with an amazing crew who kept calmed, wash our hands and worked together on keeping each other safe!

Asian Market Food, The Best!

Asian Market Food, The Best!

Combating Sex Trafficking Through Temporary Refuge

Combating Sex Trafficking Through Temporary Refuge