

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, culture and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Alley Oop!

Alley Oop!

The Pink Alley aka Alley Oop is a vibrant photo opp for many instagram influencers in the Vancouver, B.C area.


With quiet the downtime, myself and others decided to check it out.
We were shocked when we realized the alley was full with dumpster’s, stragglers and reeked of body odor.
But hey, they did say it was an “alley!” 🤷🏽‍♀️


My advice, is to get out there and embrace that smelly dumpster, hold your breathe and get the shot.
Kudos to the amazing artist who help put ‘The Pink Alley’ together so that others and myself could enjoy.



Vitosha Mountain 🏔

Vitosha Mountain 🏔

Lynn Canyon Park

Lynn Canyon Park